Jasper, the Little Christmas Donkey

Jasper, the Little Christmas Donkey

Jasper, the Little Christmas Donkey
The story is about a little donkey named Jasper, who has unusual blue eyes. He came from a long line of donkeys that were bred for the purpose of carrying kings. They also carried wood for the fires on which sacrifices were laid. For this purpose they had a special distinguishing mark on their backs--a cross. These donkeys were called crosstree donkeys. Jasper was a crosstree donkey. It was only fitting that he should carry Jesus the King of Kings, who was also the supreme sacrifice for the sins of the whole world. Jasper was also special because he could understand what people said and their feelings. His ancestors belonged to the lineage of King David and his son, Solomon. He was born to a female donkey that belonged to Joseph, a descendant of King David. Written by Charlotte Sharpe, Illustrated by Charles Ettinger, 2011, full-color, 16 pages, 8.5 x 8.5 inches, paperback

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