I first met the Palmers when they returned to the States from Japan and joined First Baptist Church of West Palm Beach, Florida, where I was their pastor. Del and Marilyn's book, Precious Stones, is an easy read that will delight you, make you smile, and challenge you to a closer walk with God. The book makes missions come alive and gives insight into cross-cultural living and communication. Dr. Jack Graham, Pastor, Prestonwood Baptist Church. Former President of Southern Baptist Convention I'm a "cynical old preacher" and sometimes have to see the "real deal" in order to keep doing what I do. I've just spent the last few wonderful hours with Del and Marilyn looking at Precious Stones. The experience has been a benediction. They are the real deal. They have inspired me, caused me to laugh, and given me an education in world missions. But, more than that, they have pointed me to Jesus. I rise up and call them blessed. Read this book and you will go on a journey that will bless you profoundly. Steve Brown, Professor, Reformed Seminary, Orlando, broadcaster and author Precious Stones is a story of how God took two very young adults from very different backgrounds and led them together to serve Him. God did things they could never have even dreamed possible. Some were miraculous, some embarrassing, and other very entertaining. As the Palmers began writing their stories, I was sentenced to a federal prison. They wrote to me often and sent rough drafts to me. These stories encouraged, blessed, and entertained me and others. Don't miss the joy of reading this collection of their Precious Stones. JH, Redeemed and Released. A Brother in Christ.
6 x 9 inches, 180 pages, paperback, written by Del & Marilyn Palmer