The Hope Set Before Us

The Hope Set Before Us

The Hope Set Before Us

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The writer of the Epistle to the Hebrews was an Old Testament scholar, and the epistle shows that his rabbinical training was extensive. The epistle is often misunderstood in churches today because of its foundation in the Old Testament and the writer’s usage of his rabbinical training. THE HOPE SET BEFORE US by Michael D. McCubbins, Th.D., an internationally-known Bible scholar, will help you to understand the issues regarding the interpretation of the Epistle to the Hebrews.

The apostle Peter noted that people in his own day were twisting the language of this epistle to try to make it say something that it does not say. Many people today continue to twist this epistle, which makes this book necessary.

With this book, you will learn:

  • Who the writer of Hebrews is
  • How to grow and become a mature believer
  • How Christ is superior to everyone before Him
  • The meaning of the Old Testament types and shadows
  • How to interpret some of the most difficult passages of the New Testament

The church today needs the epistle to the Hebrews. Believers need to heed its warnings and cautions. They need to go on to maturity, and follow the example of those listed in Hebrews chapter eleven who believed God.

The Hope Set Before Us was writtn by Michael McCubbins, 2024, paperback, 6 x 9 inches, 378 pages.

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